Comments on: Defeating MR: All but impossible Journalism for Citizens Sun, 25 Nov 2007 05:23:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sandman Sun, 25 Nov 2007 05:23:12 +0000 Just like the LTTE and the JVP, the present government and its war mentality is a product of chauvanism and extremism in politics and everything else, over a long period of time. In this case, it is the result of tamil extremism and relentless terorrism against everyone else for over two decades. This article and many more like it fail to point out that fact. It is always more fashionable to blame the majority, even when the intolerance lies with the minority in this case.

By: kbob Thu, 01 Nov 2007 16:28:32 +0000 Sarath,

If we elect a leader, and that leader goes on to betray his promises, destroy the country, kill thousands of people is an unwinnable war, and impoverish the people, are we still expected to support him for the ‘duration they are voted to remain’? According to you the answer is yes. If the UNP was in power at the moment, I am certain you will be calling for people to agitate against it. Put your political bias aside and please talk some sense.

By: Gowry Mon, 29 Oct 2007 17:37:35 +0000 Wonderful article. The only solution I see apart from migrating to west/Australia is that all of us make the smallest possible changes that are possible in our small spheres of influence. I mean to show integrity, justice for the oppressed, care of the children, elderly and the ill. Live each day to the full.

By: Sarath Beligaswatte Sun, 28 Oct 2007 10:57:01 +0000 wonderful article.

It’s about time people of Sri Lanka understand the exact reality of Sri Lankan politics.

People should support the current regime for the duration they are voted to remain, at the next elections people can decide which party is credible to govern.

People should send off the so called ‘crocodile politicians’ who are trying to topple the government in order to come in to power to worsen the country.

By: Dhamsith Sun, 28 Oct 2007 10:28:58 +0000 Regretably with the present high inflation rate from one end with the war waging on the other only the common man suffers . To overcome to please the extremist either LTTE must be defeated totally or the economy of the country must improve which cannot be forseen within the term of President Mahinda Rajapakse.

By: M.Kumar Sat, 27 Oct 2007 20:47:13 +0000 The so-called democracies from the United States to Britain rejoiced and celebrated the fall of the Berlin Wall. Every government that promoted and practised the canard DEMOCRACY shouted from the rooftop that DEMOCRACY is the best solution to alleviate human misery and give people the real power and individual freedom. Granted. Good intentions and very lofty and romantic notions indeed. The United States the principal promoter and practitioner of Democracy in the western hemisphere, the nation’s adherence to Rule of Law and International covenants remain dismal and deplorable, then we had My Lai and Agent Orange now we have Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo a few examples of the democratic practises!! We the people of the world are living in an eternal state of denial or in cuckoo’s land. In comparison Russia (earlier Soviet Union) or China / People’s Republic of China and Cuba to mention a few western “outcasts”, vilified and ridiculed by the ‘’Western Democracies” had not waged eternal wars, using their war machines to subjugate and terrorize nations that challenged their ideology or their economic interests.
From mid 17th Century the western nations had controlled and ruled bigger (area wise) and populous nations with their might and cunningness. Few thousand colonizers from the small British Isles ruled India with a 5000-year civilization. Many western oriented Indians praise the introduction of English language (and the railways) as the covet prize to the subcontinent and its ensuing advantage to education and commerce. True, from mid 19th century to today India has enjoyed the advantage, especially the urban dwellers and the priviledged. But it is stated with facts and acceptable evidence that by 2025 China ( PRC) will have a bigger population approximately 600 million with proficiency in English Language. China knows well that English is the language of commerce and they are smart to adopt it. PRC was never under British colonial spell.
The Westminster model of Democracy introduced by the British was never a success. Reason: the rulings classes among both Singhalese and the Tamils did not understand responsibilities and good governance. The tragedy was compounded by JRJ and his cronies including A.J.Wilson who was an accomplice in the making and implementation of thy 1978 rag-tag constitution, which replaced the 1972 “Sinhala –Raj” Constitution by the legal luminary Colvin R.De Silva.
LTTE and the JVP are the end result of the failure of Democracy and parliamentary practises approved, appreciated and applauded by the Western Democracies covertly or overtly involved in the governance of Sri Lanka since 1948. An example of the collusion in 1972: In the destiny-deciding Kodiswaran’s case, if the Supreme Court judiciously decided according to the constitutional provisions and ethics, the political outcome would have been different. Perhaps, the Tamil minorities would not have experienced the horror of 1983. Rubble-raising politicians to fill their own pockets squandered all the opportunities for reconciliation!! With the current social, political and economic chaos in Sri Lanka, the Sri Lankans are in for a shocking and traumatic period. A long haul, I fear. But the beneficiaries of this chaos would be JVP and the LTTE. Not Rajapakse CC (criminal clique) Period.

By: Seelan Fri, 26 Oct 2007 05:05:20 +0000 It is tragic that the political system and the politicians (including their advisors) in Sri Lanka are so pre occupied with topling governments before their term by way of conspiratorial activity (constitutional or otherwise).

No government can implement their development plans unhindered due to the instability and country is going backwards. Opposition while providing required counter balance should be more concentrating on developing their alternate vision and plans to be implemented when they come to power through the due process. That’s how it happens in stable democracies.

Of course Ranil has demonstrated that he cannot win elections. So the only awailable option is mutiny. Alternatively, UNP should be seriously thinking of changing it’s leadership for the sake pf preserving democracy.
