Comments on: Are we winning hearts and minds? Journalism for Citizens Wed, 19 Dec 2007 09:20:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chamath Wed, 19 Dec 2007 09:20:44 +0000 What I would really like to see is this type of article, and the many articles on Groundviews, being translated into Sinhalese and Tamil. It is sad that no one is stepping up for that kind of funding, or maybe offering that kind of funding to Groundviews.

We are really not talking about a big budget in my point of view. Rs50,000 to Rs70,000 a month should easily pay for a couple of translators good enough to do the job.

JNW, which I am part of, has similarly not been able to track down such funding, so we are waiting until internally generated funds are sufficient to get to that point. Its unfortunately a long wait.

By: Ange Tue, 18 Dec 2007 12:30:28 +0000 Thank you for the article. It is comforting to know that there are people who are aware of the plight of the minorities and actually care enough to do something about it.

By: Sham Fri, 26 Oct 2007 09:39:31 +0000 i think this hearts and minds is a good way to do it, but its like the secondary objectives of the army. what we should do is operate as gurrillas it self. this is what our SL SF forces are doing and have been highly effective of. but then , they cant do what a sucide carders do. As professional soldiers , they cant be expected to go to die unless of their own thinking. We dont mindcontrol people..

lets look at a future .. sri lankan should decide we will give time to solve everything.. who would have thought in 2001 that karuna and east could happen? also thta susei and death of anton? age will cathup with all , parba and his son will have to take over leaving people like selvam angry……….

we can get equipment, and if we are patient we can win this. LTTE has more to Loose as time goes than Sri lanka. second generation tamils abroad will not send cash and then its be over.
