Comments on: FEDERALISM AND THE UNP Journalism for Citizens Tue, 04 Dec 2007 12:32:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dujon Tue, 04 Dec 2007 12:32:38 +0000 The view of the UNP on the ethnic crisis in recent times is, not clear to say the least. However, if they are to remain and present themselves as the more practical alternative to the war-mongering Rajapakse regime, they need to be be more precise. Is the UNP for a unitary state or not ? should be the question they need to be answering. In recent times the ideas of the UNP national organiser, SB Dissanayake has been pretty clear. Is this the view of the party ?. Sri Lankans will like to know.

By: Sham Fri, 19 Oct 2007 04:48:19 +0000 I think RW is trying to please the masses by taking out the “F” word. he believes that should gorvenment topple , and UNP comes to power , that he can come back with a “F” proposal after that. i personnaly i dont think that either the JVP or the people are dumb as to believe him.

By: KALPAGE Fri, 12 Oct 2007 07:29:01 +0000 I agree with Suren Raghavan that the South has no consensus of the recipe for a solution. It is pathetic.

Does the North possess one? Is it separate state, or Tamil sovereignty as submitted to UN representatives last month with Kosovo and East Timor examples, or federal structure as of Oslo, 13th Amendment in full swing as demanded by Douglas Devananda or Indian model as demanded by Ananda Sangaree or no fixed status but support the LTTE stance as exhorted by TNA leaders? Let us be transparent.

North and South both are lost in the wild! Blame everyone.

By: Suren Raghavan Wed, 10 Oct 2007 08:20:15 +0000 The position and the exposition for the position given by Publius comes as
another pris pour acquis against the realpolitik of Colombo. As S/he inwardly points out this is a strategic (or tragic) opportunistic abandonment move of the UNP. The overt reason is to build a political bridge to the otherwise unwilling Sinhala south.

Post colonial governmentality of southern Sri Lanka is nothing but the mere historiciation of chain of opportunistic abandonment and adaptations. It is rather a (IL) liberal idiosyncratic position to perceive alternatively.

The deliberate design of many of these analyses is that they are monograms projecting the failure to expound the foundational facts of federal principles. Because whatever textualization the polity of UNP, PA, SLFP and many other wannabe rulers could invent, at the end of the runaway the southern leadership has to offer a legal, political and constitution partneship to the Tamils (and to the Muslims). If the south is unwilling and unable to decide at least on terminologies of the foreword to a political solution, then their perpetual plans for a post-Praba prosperity is a long midsummer day dream.
