Comments on: SMS news alerts during emergencies – The experience of JNW and the tsunami warning of 13th September 2007 Journalism for Citizens Wed, 26 Sep 2012 05:46:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Klaus Wed, 26 Sep 2012 05:46:03 +0000 has anybody looked into it looks like a reliable web based Tsunami alert system that works worldwide

By: ICT for Disaster Management: Thoughts on the APDIP e-primer by Chanuka Wattegama « ICT for Peacebuilding (ICT4Peace) Sun, 23 Dec 2007 06:13:55 +0000 […] On the same page, Chanuka brings out the potential of cell broadcasts for disaster warning. Sri Lanka’s tsunami alert on 13th September 2007 brought this into sharp focus with many SMSs sent and received, but little or no use of cell broadcasts to target messages geo-specifically to vulnerable communites. SMS news alerts during emergencies – The experience of JNW and the tsunami warning of 13th September 2007 is a very interesting article and subsequent discussion, including Prof. Rohan Samarajiva from Lirneasia, that explores this further. […]

By: The problem with mobiles in emergencies… « ICT for Peacebuilding (ICT4Peace) Wed, 28 Nov 2007 16:18:01 +0000 […] Thought there’s been more than a little emphasis on the potential of mobiles to help emergency response and facilitate the dissemination of vital news and information during emergencies in Sri Lanka, my own experience suggests that there is still some way to go before we can rely on them completely as devices resilient to sudden surges in network traffic.   However, as the first images from the incident demonstrate, mobiles increasingly used by eye witnesses and even victims to record the incident through camera phone photos. […]

By: An event based comparison between Reuters and JNW SMS news alerts on Dialog « ICT for Peacebuilding (ICT4Peace) Wed, 17 Oct 2007 05:42:22 +0000 […] October 17th, 2007 There are two SMS based news services for mobile phone users in Sri Lanka. Both offer news alerts through SMS in English, but not in Sinhala or Tamil. JasmineNewswires was the first to introduce this means of news reporting and dissemination in Sri Lanka, with Reuters following in 2007.I’ve reviewed JNW news before on this blog and also looked at the performance of both SMS news services during the tsunami alert in September 2007. Chamath Ariyadasa, from JNW, has also penned his insightful experiences of SMS news reporting at the time of the tsunami alert here.What follows is a list of messages I received, with the time I received them, on a recent incident involving the LTTE and the SL Army in Yala, a couple of hundreds kilometers away from Colombo. While on occasion, JNW and Reuters news alerts were seconds apart, the specificity of JNW’s first alert, which included the name of the location of the incident, took around 45 minutes for Reuters to mention as well.As SMS news alerts grow in popularity and because their reporting increasingly affect perceptions and responses on the ground amongst a wider group of people, it’s important that media monitoring initiatives also look at JNW and Reuters alerts on Dialog with the same scrutiny as traditional / mainstream print and electronic media.15 October 2007JNW, 7.28pm – Gunfire heard near Army detachment in Thalgasmankada near Yala National Park, says mil official. No details yet.Reuters, 7.30pm – Gunshots heard about 30 to 40 km from Kataragama, Military investigating – Brig Udaya NanayakkaraReuters, 8.11pm – LTTE attacking army detachment in Thalgasmankadawa 40km from Kataragama, reinforcement troops sent, no details available – Brig Udaya NanayakkaraJNW, 8.36pm – Army point in Thalgasmankada, south of Panama, comes under LTTE attack, says Mil Spokesman. Troops sent in as reinforcementsJNW, 10.37pm – Def Ministry says troops successfully foil attack at Army point south of Paanama; withdrawing LTTE cadres also fired at Wildlife Dept jeep16 October 2007Reuters, 7.42am – Reinforcement troops reach Thalgasmankadawala detachment, find 6 dead bodies & 1 injured soldier. 2 more missing – Brig Udaya NanayakkaraJNW, 8.00am – After attack at Army point south of Paanama, bodies of six soldiers found, one soldier inj, searching operation in progress-mil spokesmanReuters, 9.05.30am – Explosion now in Yala kills 1 soldier, injures 3 when tractor carrying dead bodies hits pressure mine close to ThalgasmankadawalaJNW, 9.05.46am – Tractor gets caught to pressure mine laid near Thalgasmankada camp near Yala; claims one soldier, three soldiers injured, says Mil SpokesmanAlso see:News and information through SMS – A second look at JasmineNewswires in Sri Lanka Posted by Sanjana Hattotuwa Filed in ICT in general Tags: JNW, Reuters, SMS […]

By: Chamath Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:24:34 +0000 Thanks Professor.
For the general reader, there was a typo above. The SMS with the coding can be typed something like this

:>;: New Message Posted By The Disaster Management Centre at :>;;:

An ICT4 Peace blog review on SMS is here

By: Rohan Samarajiva Sun, 16 Sep 2007 11:35:09 +0000 Very practical and constructive suggestion. The website has to be designed to handle the spike in traffic this will generate, but that is easy. If we get an opportunity, we will communicate this to the DMC.

By: Chamath Sun, 16 Sep 2007 07:42:59 +0000 Many thanks Professor. My following comment is more for general readers and maybe government officials who might read this thread.

The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) seems to be an XML based format to keep watch/warning/evacuation messages consistent and it seems to be a web friendly format.

So it doesn’t look like much work needs to be done here.

Watch/warning messages are already being typed up on a computer by the Met Dept ( judging by this link and now its a matter of taking it out as fast as possible to a predefined database such as the media.

The benefits of this include a fewer number of calls to the call centre bombarding officials seeking detail that is already on a website, journalists not wasting time getting the news, and journalists not relying on secondary unreliable sources.

The message needs to be fed once to the XML web feed and it will be available to all disaster warning technologies needing the XML input message. (I am thinking a configured automatic email will not be a problem here). Its as simple as cutting and pasting the message on to a web page text box.

The next step is to send an SMS to first responders (my interest is in media getting this – anywhere between 500 to 5,000 people)

If there are concerns about summarizing a message in under 160 characters, and to have someone do that reliably 24/7, an SMS could be sent simply saying the following:

“New Message Posted By The Disaster Management Centre at

There is nothing to change in that message, it will be the same every time (a time stamp could be added to the SMS as well, if needed)

Sending out an SMS is very easy. There are plenty of password-protected internet-based applications that telecom operators can provide with the number database stored by the telecom operator.

Its simply a matter of opening a web page, entering username/password, pasting the message and pressing SEND.

In fact, an even easier method is available.

An SMS from a predefined mobile number with some predefined protection coding sent to a particular number will be sent to the relevant database. The SMS text will look something like this

:: New Message Posted By The Disaster Management Centre at ::

So the official in charge of alerting media simply has to put the watch/warning/evacuation message on a website and send the above SMS to a predefined number from his or her phone (only) and up to 5,000 people are alerted to a new message in matter of minutes. (Under 1,000 can be done very comfortably and very quickly) This person can also be on the list so he or she gets the same message and knows it was delivered immediately.

The benefits of all media institutions receiving this SMS, which can be extended to local government officials (as a second line of communication to the main technology), are enormous as valuable minutes are saved in news dissemination. They will all be able to log on and read a reliable DETAILED watch/warning/evacuation message on a website.

Journalists who will be caught in the middle of their daily lives chatting in their offices, driving their vehicles etc etc, will immediately get an SMS saying “new message posted.” If they don’t log on immediately (using mobile web browsing) they can ask a colleague to do it for them.

News stations will immediately start reading out a reliable, detailed, well-sourced report via TV and Radio while SMS news services and web media will start pushing out well-sourced news.

JNW being an accredited news agency with the Government Information Department with experience in SMS news delivery since early 2006, and the use of SMS applications, will be happy to volunteer to help set this up.

JNW currently reaches the public via SMS mainly with its tie up with majority state-owned Mobitel.

The above is my outsider view on how an SMS alert for the media could be set up.

By: groundviews » Lessons from Nagapattinum: Post-Tsunami and the Panchayat Sun, 16 Sep 2007 01:51:23 +0000 t Lanka, but there is space to learn lessons and avoid mistakes from actors currently engaged in the region. Editors note - Also read the following for related discussions: SMS alerts during emergencies - Lessons from Sri Lanka’s tsuanmi alert on 13 September 2007 SMS news alerts during emergencies - The experience of JNW and the tsunami warning of 13th September 2007 [...]]]> […] Nagapattinum isn’t Lanka, but there is space to learn lessons and avoid mistakes from actors currently engaged in the region. Editors note – Also read the following for related discussions: SMS alerts during emergencies – Lessons from Sri Lanka’s tsuanmi alert on 13 September 2007 SMS news alerts during emergencies – The experience of JNW and the tsunami warning of 13th September 2007 […]

By: SMS alerts during emergencies - Lessons from Sri Lanka’s tsuanmi alert on 13 September 2007 « ICT for Peacebuilding (ICT4Peace) Sun, 16 Sep 2007 01:40:27 +0000 […] Chamath Ariyadasa, the Editor of JNW, has written an insightful account of his experiences last evening in responding to the tsunami warnings through SMS alerts. There’s already been a lot of discussion on the use of SMS’s in emergencies and in early warning. […]

By: Rohan Samarajiva Sat, 15 Sep 2007 21:40:03 +0000 Please see how the Thai NDMC used SMS (and did not panic the people):
