Comments on: Sri Lanka on tsunami alert after Indonesia quake (Updated) Journalism for Citizens Wed, 12 Sep 2007 20:01:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: romesh Wed, 12 Sep 2007 20:01:58 +0000 It will be interesting to find out if the Disaster management centre really did lift the tsunami warning at 7.34 as this reuters alert says. From what I know Keerthi Ekenayake did not say the warning was lifted until sometime after 8.30pm.

With no large waves hitting Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, chances of there being a tsunami were getting slim, but if the Disaster Management Centre didn’t lift the warning at that time, for reasons best known to them, then its interesting how that message said they did.

Also the earthquake happened at 16.40. Media alerts went out after 17.20. That doesn’t seem like a very good response time.
