Comments on: Elementary, my dear President Journalism for Citizens Fri, 07 Sep 2007 05:02:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sivan Fri, 07 Sep 2007 05:02:03 +0000 sanjana,
you have taken the trouble to analyse and write about the present problems in
Sri Lanka.This will be like ‘pouring water on ducks back’ Nevertheless it our duty to bring to light miseries undergone by the people of Lanka.
Unfortunately the international community is not doing enough to put an end to this. They are rather hipocritical ,in that they have faild to do what they should have done. Their inaction has contibuted to the behaviour of the governmet. IT IS a pity that they pretend to come to the rescue, ony after irreprabe damage is done.
Apart from the war, Corruption is rampant. I am of opinion that corruption is supported by war and war is supported by corruption.
Unfortunately those who shout from the opposition, never takes any tangible steps to punish those who are guilty, when they come to power,thus the game continues unabated.

By: Melvin Ally Mon, 03 Sep 2007 16:56:15 +0000 I agree Sanjana, but mark my words, come a new election and you will see the same govt. and/or president elected because sadly, the majority of our people seem to feel that if we can ‘win’ the war militarily, then economic growth, human rights abuse allegations and govt. corruption can be addressed later.
