Comments on: The unlearnt lessons of July 1983 Journalism for Citizens Fri, 11 Apr 2008 18:09:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: groundviews Wed, 08 Aug 2007 05:32:01 +0000 Perhaps you could point to the pertinent chapter and verse in each text, as opposed to quoting them in full?

By: suntzu Wed, 08 Aug 2007 05:24:45 +0000 [Editors note: Dear Suntzu, I have deleted extensive references to the religious texts and would encourage you to keep comments short and to the point. I trust the core of your submission is captured in the edited version above.]

WELL….hmmmm…if Sarath writes back could i use some of the religious text from the Bible and the Koran? Because followers of both these religions have been given the right to eat certain sorts of meat…though some Buddhist clergy try to say otherwise.

By: suntzu Wed, 08 Aug 2007 03:09:51 +0000 s the same with the present constitution. 2. After 1956 people who worked in the public sector who’s mother tongue was Tamil or English, had to learn Sinhala in 2 years time if they wanted to get a promotion. 3. The sale of meat and liquor was banned every full moon day, while all film halls remained closed and after television came along only religious programmes were shown on this day. 4. Private Christian schools were nationalized in the 1960s. 5. Buddhists and non Buddhists were forced to have the Sinhala “Sri” on their vehicles when the Tamils protested over this, they were beaten up by Sinhala mobs. 6. The university entrance exam in the 1970s was standardized and Buddhist students where given preference over Hindu students. These are just some of the things perpetrated by the majority on the minorities (not forgetting the holocaust of the Tamils in July1983). Over to you Sarath! [Editors note: Dear Suntzu, I have deleted extensive references to the religious texts and would encourage you to keep comments short and to the point. I trust the core of your submission is captured in the edited version above.]]]> I agree Sarath that the Buddhists and the Tamils and Muslims from time to time were oppressed by the Portuguese, Dutch and British. But does that now give the majority Buddhists the right to impose their religious and cultural values (not forgetting the “Sinhala Only” disaster of 1956) on the minorities!

1. Under the Solbury constitution all religions were given equal status, but in the 1972 Republican constitution this was changed and Buddhism was given the foremost place. It’s the same with the present constitution.

2. After 1956 people who worked in the public sector who’s mother tongue was Tamil or English, had to learn Sinhala in 2 years time if they wanted to get a promotion.

3. The sale of meat and liquor was banned every full moon day, while all film halls remained closed and after television came along only religious programmes were shown on this day.

4. Private Christian schools were nationalized in the 1960s.

5. Buddhists and non Buddhists were forced to have the Sinhala “Sri” on their vehicles when the Tamils protested over this, they were beaten up by Sinhala mobs.

6. The university entrance exam in the 1970s was standardized and Buddhist students where given preference over Hindu students.

These are just some of the things perpetrated by the majority on the minorities (not forgetting the holocaust of the Tamils in July1983). Over to you Sarath!

[Editors note: Dear Suntzu, I have deleted extensive references to the religious texts and would encourage you to keep comments short and to the point. I trust the core of your submission is captured in the edited version above.]

By: Sarath Sun, 05 Aug 2007 13:28:08 +0000 But suntzu, the Sinhala Buddhists, Tamil Hindus and Muslims suffered under Christian rule when Buddhism and Hinduism and Islam were oppressed and attacked by Christians. The Muslims were attacked by the Catholics and sought refuge among Buddhistsand then the Catholics were attacked by the Protestant Dutch and sought refuge among the Buddhists. It was among the Sinhala Buddhists that there was true freedom of religion – certainly not under the Colonials who looked upon only Christianity as a worthy religion.

By: suntzu Tue, 31 Jul 2007 06:59:15 +0000 ." What do you mean by any race? It was purely only the tamils who suffered during the '83 riots. ps. All minorities (sinhala christians, burghers, tamils and muslims) have suffered since 1948 through the majority rule of the Sinhala Buddhists and it's the tamils who have suffered the most. When the British left in was like falling from the frying pan into the fire. I personally prefer being governed by the British or by some other First World Country rather than by the Sinhala Buddhist Majority! When the British left this country...they left it a Democracy...but today Sri Lanak has turned into Theocracy!]]> Melvin Ally…You said…”I think that it is fitting that the Head of State dedicates a monument to all the people who suffered during the ‘83 riots – be they from any ‘race’.”
What do you mean by any race?
It was purely only the tamils who suffered during the ’83 riots.

ps. All minorities (sinhala christians, burghers, tamils and muslims) have suffered since 1948 through the majority rule of the Sinhala Buddhists and it’s the tamils who have suffered the most. When the British left in 1948…it was like falling from the frying pan into the fire. I personally prefer being governed by the British or by some other First World Country rather than by the Sinhala Buddhist Majority! When the British left this country…they left it a Democracy…but today Sri Lanak has turned into Theocracy!

By: Melvin Ally Mon, 30 Jul 2007 13:22:42 +0000 I think that it is fitting that the Head of State dedicates a monument to all the people who suffered during the ’83 riots – be they from any ‘race’. We can have it right next to a monument dedicated to our Armed Forces (which might cool down our ‘patriots’). But a sincere apology must be made on behalf of all Sri Lankans and only then can we move forward as one nation.

Of course I dont have facts for this but I would imagine that most of the LTTE cadres have joined the LTTE because they still bear the scars and wounds of ’83. Not that the monument will heal and wipe away all the hatred and anger, but its definitely a step in the right direction…
