Comments on: An inconvenient history: A reply to Victory Ivan’s viewpoints on criminal defamation Journalism for Citizens Fri, 11 Apr 2008 18:16:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: uvindu Mon, 30 Jul 2007 09:33:22 +0000 “voice in colombo” claimed that he had read Victor’s articles, and said victor never claimed “sole owner” of the credit of getting rid of criminal defamation law. if you read Victor’s articles on 15th and 22nd of july Ravaya you can see Victor’s claim

By: Voice in Colombo Fri, 27 Jul 2007 10:31:28 +0000 I have read Victor’s article, and listen to his views about criminal defamation law, on radio and TV. I personally believe he (Victor Ivan) got a more realistic and impartial point of view regarding the matter, compared to the POV’s of most restless journalists we have in Sri Lanka these days. Victor clearly stand agains the criminal defamation law, and he doesn’t want it back. And I don’t think he said anywhere that, he was the “sole owner” of the credit of getting rid of criminal defamation law. At the same time he accept that the journalists them selves have a large part of responsibility for the government’s latest decision of re-considering this law. According to him, ever since this law was dumped, the professionalism and social responsibility of our journalists are deteriorating. He urged, the journalists not to misuse the victories achieved by journalists in press freedom, as a collective effort. As I can see, Victor Ivan is a more seasoned journalist, who believe in a press freedom with limit. The limit is the line between truth and misinformation. I think many other “gray haired” journalists should use their experiences, and try to understand the reality.
