වික්ටර් අයිවන්ට පිළිà¶à·”රක් : à¶à·€à¶à·Š බොහ෠දේ à¶à·’බේ
උවිඳු කුරුකුලසූරිය
“à·ƒà·à¶´à¶»à·à¶°à·“ අපහà·à·ƒ නීà¶à·’යට එරෙහිව මෙන්ම ජනමà·à¶°à·Šâ€à¶º නිදහස වෙනුවෙන්ද වික්ටර් අයිවන් විà·à·à¶½ à·€à·à¶© කොටසක් කර ඇà¶à·’ බව අවිවà·à¶¯à·’à¶à¶º. එහෙà¶à·Š ඒ සියල්ල à¶à¶¸à¶±à·Š à¶à¶±à·’වම කළ ඒව෠ලෙස à·ƒà·à¶½à¶šà·“ම හොඳ නà·à¶. අනෙක් අà¶à¶§ පසුගිය වසර වන à¶à·™à¶šà·Š වික්ටර් අයිවන් නිදහස් මà·à¶°à·Šâ€à¶º ව්â€à¶ºà·à¶´à·à¶»à¶ºà·š ලේකම්, කà·à¶³à·€à·”ම්කරු, උපලේකම් ආදී විවිධ à¶à¶±à¶à·”රු දර෠ඇà¶. එමෙන්ම
කර්à¶à·˜ සංසදයේද à·ƒà·à¶¸à·à¶¢à·’කයෙකු ලෙස කටයුà¶à·” කර ඇà¶. à·à·“â€à·Šâ€à¶» ලංක෠පුවà¶à·Šà¶´à¶à·Š ආයà¶à¶±à¶ºà·š අධ්â€à¶ºà¶šà·Šâ€à·‚වරයෙකු ලෙස කටයුà¶à·” කර ඇà¶. මà·à¶°à·Šâ€à¶º සංවිධà·à¶± යමක් නොකළ෠යà·à¶ºà·’ කියමන à·ƒà¶à·Šâ€à¶ºà¶ºà¶šà·Š නම් එයට ඔහුද වගකිව යුà¶à·”ය.”
My article is a response to Victor Ivan’s recent spate of letters in Ravaya on criminal defamation in Sri Lanka. I suggest to the reader that Mr. Ivan’s submission that he was the sole voice of dissent and protest against criminal defamation charges against media personnel to be untrue. From memory, I list out the many ways in which indvidual journalists, including myself, the Free Media Movement, other journalist organisations and civil society organisations rallied against the use of criminal defamation laws to gag the media. I go on to point out several regrettable lapses of memory and judgement that result in Mr. Ivan claiming ownership over and taking the credit things he in fact cannot.
While acknowledging that Mr. Ivan, perhaps more than any other Editor alive today, has suffered the brunt of criminal defamation mechanisms used against him, I point out that his egregiously partial reading and reportage of events and issues contravenes the professional standards and ethics that Ravaya itself drew up to govern its journalism.
Please read my article in full here.
Also see:
Attempts to reintroduce criminal defamation law
Building a campaign against criminal defamation in your country