Comments on: School admissions Journalism for Citizens Sat, 11 Aug 2007 04:33:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: groundviews Sat, 11 Aug 2007 04:33:58 +0000 s work: The Grade 1 entrance fiasco and the Chief Justice</a>]]> Also see A Donkey doing a Dog’s work: The Grade 1 entrance fiasco and the Chief Justice

By: Chaar~Max Tue, 24 Jul 2007 01:30:40 +0000 Well most of the popular Govt. school’s are the least funded by the Govt. atleast in propotionate to the other schools, if you compare on a student basis. For example being an Old Royalist, I for a fact know the Govt. only bares the Salaries of the Teachers and a tad bit more here and there.

The maintainence from putting up new a building, to maintaining the old ones to even the electricity bill is paid by the Old Boys and the School Development Society funds, contributed by parents.

The practicality of the said changes would mean that the popular schools like Royal, Ananda, Nalanda, Thurstan, Visaka etc will collapse if the past pupils are seperated from them.

Also if the majority of the students are goint to be the highest ranks from the scholorship exam, and from not so wealthy families (I mean no prejudice here, but the reality), will their parents be able to contribute to School Development Funds?

This will only bring down the standards of these developed schools (which have made there mark in the Asian reigion) to the Level of the others. Isn’t it more practical for the govt. to keep spending the minor amount on these schools and put more effort to developing the others? Instead of pocketing the money them selves, less corrupoton will lead to more development.

If there is a school of thought that the middle class kids will go to a less popular school, and their parents will develop them just like they did the popular schools, I would say they would rather spend it on the vast no of Private and Semi Pvt Schools waiting to accept their money. Even the International Schools will be jumping at these new reforms.

IMHO this is only going to make the situation worse. We’re going to break an already functioning system.
