
Dallas – Are you listening? Part II

පුරවැසි සටහන්: ඩලස් ඔබට ඇහෙනවාද?

My first post on public transport in Sri Lanka (see Dallas – Are you listening?) ended with a challenge to the Minister of Transport to do something about the dilapidated public transport mechanisms.

Part 2 brings out more examples of a dysfunctional system that subjects thousands of citizens to hellish commutes every single day. I point to the existence of mafias of private bus owners as well as political ineptitude that has led to the dramatic decline in transport services. No amount of complaints by the general public seem to alleviate their suffering. All promises to reform the system have failed.

Once again I appeal to the current Minister of Public Transport – try to make a difference. Transforming one route, one bus, one journey can be a start. Please read my article in full, written in Sinhala, here.

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