Comments on: The Mangala Sutra: Preliminary observations on Mangala’s third way Journalism for Citizens Wed, 11 Jul 2007 08:12:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Aliya Wed, 11 Jul 2007 08:12:45 +0000 m only partially aware of the improvements of the ex-minister Mr. Mangala Samaraweera. No doubt Mr. Samaraweera has a bright future in Sri Lankan politics if he doesn’t mess up but can his separation be put to the same of the one of Lalith and Gamini? There had been worse enemies of the Tamils in Sri Lankan recent history than Mahinda Rajapakshe. We can not say he’s anti-tamil just because he’s anti-LTTE.He just fails to identify the difference between the ordinary Tamils and the LTTE.I know it’s not a good excuse and there can be no excuse for anyone who carry out anti- Tamail activites. However I have no doubt that the President is the biggest enemy of the Colombo Civil Society. There’s no alternative politics in Sri Lanka and there will never be such a movement. JVP which calls themselves the alternative is also caught up in the mainstream. Their fate is the same of that of Tony Blair. The system is such that the mainstream does not allow such alternatives to survive. It’ll be impossible to prevent Mangala having the same fate if he tries to look for short-cuts to come to power. He’ll definitely look for shorter ways to come to power and by doing so, he’ll fail. Because, in the today’s context, people can not think beyond the two major political parties- UNP and SLFP and because everybody wants power and they have no patience like did Mr. President. Therefore, Mangala will have to make a coalition with either party which will drive him to the same destiny of those who have made coalitions before. Mr. Samaraweera, think before you leap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]]> I’m only partially aware of the improvements of the ex-minister Mr. Mangala Samaraweera.
No doubt Mr. Samaraweera has a bright future in Sri Lankan politics if he doesn’t mess up but can his separation be put to the same of the one of Lalith and Gamini?

There had been worse enemies of the Tamils in Sri Lankan recent history than Mahinda Rajapakshe. We can not say he’s anti-tamil just because he’s anti-LTTE.He just fails to identify the difference between the ordinary Tamils and the LTTE.I know it’s not a good excuse and there can be no excuse for anyone who carry out anti- Tamail activites. However I have no doubt that the President is the biggest enemy of the Colombo Civil Society.
There’s no alternative politics in Sri Lanka and there will never be such a movement. JVP which calls themselves the alternative is also caught up in the mainstream. Their fate is the same of that of Tony Blair. The system is such that the mainstream does not allow such alternatives to survive.

It’ll be impossible to prevent Mangala having the same fate if he tries to look for short-cuts to come to power. He’ll definitely look for shorter ways to come to power and by doing so, he’ll fail. Because, in the today’s context, people can not think beyond the two major political parties- UNP and SLFP and because everybody wants power and they have no patience like did Mr. President. Therefore, Mangala will have to make a coalition with either party which will drive him to the same destiny of those who have made coalitions before.
Mr. Samaraweera, think before you leap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
