Comments on: Defence Secretary: The epitome of bad governance Journalism for Citizens Thu, 21 Jun 2007 06:29:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Singam Thu, 21 Jun 2007 06:29:47 +0000 Sara’s observation is direct, fearless and to the heart of the problem. Once the people elect a mediocre President he appoints his brothers with hardly any political experience or education to position that requires competent persons. The brothers in turn gather around them those who are even less competent.
Chandrika was not any better. She appointed her uncle Ratwatte to lead the armed forces to capture Jaffna. In turn they committed untold HR violations. Who can forget the insensitive and primitive ceremony in which she rewarded her uncle with a Generalship. May be she should have stripped him of his Generalship when his army was driven out of the Vanni in seven days. She recruited a suave and apparently sophisticated FM. The three of them did the same thing that the Rajapakse brothers and Ministers do with impunity, but with more class. The end result is the same. Ratwatte’s Riveresa and Jeyasikuru committed the same attrocities and the FM lied repeatedly and even told the ICRC TO GO AND CONTROL MALARIA. The Media lied or were silent on Tamil suffering. The media was gagged or kept out of the war zones. Now internet access and Tamil websites bring real time news.
It is however heartening that the SL public and the international community are aware of the real situation now. In the nineties Tamil eye witnesses have to leave SL with smuggled photos to brief the international community as to what the SLG and its media were hiding. The Civil society was shy of antagonising the SLG. Sadly for SL all the conditions are there for a coup.

By: Melvin Ally Thu, 21 Jun 2007 03:46:26 +0000 What is needed is a change in the political climate of this country. For almost 60 years the two main parties have ruled, and in turn ruined, this beautiful land and fanned the flames of hatred between peaceful communities.

Its time for a new party to emerge – in my opinion, a party which consists of reputed business community individuals across the country. This party should be based on the principles of political transparency, accountability, peformance measurement and good governance. Also free media and free media access to all govt. institutions and documents, independent police, etc. should be explicitly encouraged.

We need some drastic changes to take place if we are to crawl out of the hole we are presently in and I would imagine the above might be our only option.

By: suntzu Wed, 20 Jun 2007 09:39:00 +0000 The first sign of corruption in a society that is still alive is that the end justifies the means.
Georges Bernanos
