Comments on: The banality of evil Journalism for Citizens Thu, 14 Jun 2007 08:58:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: SH Thu, 14 Jun 2007 08:58:46 +0000 Sent my letter to the local federal MP. Am going to write one to the federal leader of the oposition since elections are coming up. Also writing one to the foreign minister with copy to prime minister.

By: SH Wed, 13 Jun 2007 03:32:57 +0000 Unfotunately, I do not possess translation skills. Those who have been asking Sanjana to provide a translation, just wondering if it is possible for them to do it themselves or find a qualified translator to do it?

We need to act ourselves.

By: SH Wed, 13 Jun 2007 03:04:28 +0000 Dear Sanjana,

Sorry I gave you a minor heart attack.

I can assure you I was already aware of similar incidents like for example this:

“Minister in charge of Human Rights, Mahinda Samarasinghe, said the government should accept the responsibility on abductions and killings in the government-held territory.”

The enquiry conducted since the above statement was made is considered to be a farce.

So I was aware of the fact that these people speak the speak, but their past record of inaction speaks for itself. I was also well aware of the important role that Dr. Saravanamuttu and people like you played in forcing the government to change it’s stance. Agree with all criticisms made by you and others on the government’s actions to date with regard to this particular matter. I am still compos mentis.

I made the original statement, to remind even just myself, what the ideal situation should have been. Also needed to give them a chance because, I have been drafting a letter to my local federal MP about the state terror unleashed on its citizens. Will be faxing it soon. I would urge other expatriate Sri Lankans who have not already done so to follow suite. Unless we try to do something about it, all signs are pointing to the situation in Sri Lanka that occured in the early 1990s. Im sure the last thing we would want to be doing on out next trip to the motherland is to be tripping over corpses. Please correct me if I have an exaggerated picture of the ground situation.



By: Des Wed, 13 Jun 2007 02:25:57 +0000 In my humble opinion, I see the conflict now as a bad marraige or bad relationship that could keep getting worse. Each person gets more skeptical, cynical and accusative, and behavior more erratic, and the more the couple talks the greater chance there is for violence which can trigger more conflict.

The only solution then is for both to take a long time off or a long time off as well as get the help of a mediator.

By: groundviews Tue, 12 Jun 2007 14:27:17 +0000 Dear SH,

I fear that your optimism was even more grossly misplaced than I said it was –



By: Suren Raghavan Mon, 11 Jun 2007 18:33:15 +0000 the crime of our time is not so much the bad deeds of the bad people but the silence of the good....’ I hope your writing goes beyond the ‘Civil Society’ and peace industry of Colombo 3, 5 and 7. Please put them in vernacular so that the need to transform the decomposing (because its already dead) democracy in SL is not a mere elite nostalgia. I embrace your courage. Also please take care as the modern Dharmadeepa is pathologically intolerant of any sense of political justice especially towards the Thamils]]> dear Sanjana,

you remind me the statement of MLK Jr,’ the crime of our time is not so much the bad deeds of the bad people but the silence of the good….’ I hope your writing goes beyond the ‘Civil Society’ and peace industry of Colombo 3, 5 and 7. Please put them in vernacular so that the need to transform the decomposing (because its already dead) democracy in SL is not a mere elite nostalgia. I embrace your courage. Also please take care as the modern Dharmadeepa is pathologically intolerant of any sense of political justice especially towards the Thamils

By: Singam Mon, 11 Jun 2007 05:46:57 +0000 I appreciate the outrage expressed by Sanjana and the Sunday Leader Editorial, Sara and others. Has anyone read at least a concern expressed by the Prelates on the Hill? A word of condemnation from them will change the actions of the SLG leaders and change the mindset of the majority whose bidding the Sinhala leaders execute. I do not put any value on either the PM or the President on the matter of eviction and commissions. Their aim is to please the EU and Japan, not to make right the wrong they have done during the last one year. Everyone who expressed outrage on the expulsion, RC murders and the INGO 17 executions have conveniently forgotten the 7 TRO who were abducted, tortured and killed by the paramilitary with assistance from the SL armed forces. In less than an year all this will be forgotten and replaced by new killings and detentions and new outrages. If I had said ad infinitum i would be wrong. Because everything changes in nature. We necer step into the same river of blood twice!

By: SH Sun, 10 Jun 2007 22:32:24 +0000 Sanjana, I agree. Which is why I stated that I hope they “will have the strength and courage to carry their actions through”. ie now that they have accepted responsibility, “deal with the cause of the damage while maintaining a true sense of integrity”.

Trying encourage them to do the right thing. 😉

By: groundviews Sun, 10 Jun 2007 16:44:07 +0000 Dear SH,

I wish I shared with you a sense of optimism. I do not. Tisaranee Gunasekara’s article ( quite clearly brings out why this apology, by someone who did not possibly come up with this idea in the first place or gave the order to proceed, is no indication of contrition by this government.

Rather than applaud the PM’s statement one must question the machinations within this government that gave rise to such an apology, whether an apology itself and alone is enough, and what guarantee that we have that we will not have a repeat of this same idiocy manifest in some other way, at some other time?

I do not also share with you the assertion that the present crop of so-called leaders, and especially those in government, have “strength and courage”. They have shrill voices that accuse and deride, they have goons that kill and they have a healthy disdain for even the slightest hint of fundamental rights – they are, increasingly the very same face of terror, intolerance and extremism that is the LTTE. Of these facts we are certain. On the bases of your optimism, we are less so.

I would love to be proved wrong of course, but my submission to you is that I may well be not.



By: SH Sun, 10 Jun 2007 15:17:43 +0000 A good leader will accept responsibility for their errors, and deal with the cause of the damage while maintaining a true sense of integrity. Looking at the link provided by the editor, I think the prime minister has taken the first step towards this path and he and those he represents should be applauded for doing so. I hope he and other leaders of this country will have the strength and the courage to carry these actions through.
