Comments on: THE GOVERNMENT IN THE NUDE: A REVOLTING SIGHT Journalism for Citizens Sun, 10 Jun 2007 08:46:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bodhidharma Sun, 10 Jun 2007 08:46:44 +0000 Dear Brothers and sisters of Sri Lanka.

I was born in Sri Lanka to a Tamil parent. I have always felt that I do not belong to one nation. I am a part of this earth and the universe. Please dont say anything about Budhdha if you feel hatered in your mind or to criticize others.

Budhdha belongs to only those who love others and being compassionate all living things. I am happy that there are still some true budhdhists in Sri Lanka and because of these good budhdhists the oppressed people still have a little freedom. I am a Tamil and I am proud to say I am a budhdhist.

By: punitham Fri, 08 Jun 2007 22:48:03 +0000 recently i read somewhere(i forgot to note it down/add to favourites) that in the early 50s the sangha pleaded with swrd bandaranaike not to drag religion into politics. all hindu students in those days(in the 50s when i was in the primary school) were taught in primary schools about jesus, buddha and allah as great saints – it wouldn’t have been difficult to convert many hindus to buddhists if the buddhists wanted to if it were not for the periodic pogroms- i find that many sri lankan hindus(including myself) have stopped practisinfg any religion – i hope and wish they are working for human rights organisations

By: Castedeus Fri, 08 Jun 2007 15:24:47 +0000 Samson, post-independence Sri Lanka has a history of populist tactics employed by politicians of the day. The mass appeal to the Singhala-Buddhist electorate has proved the fastest road to the echelons of power. Note the Banda-Chelva Pact, Sena-Chelva Pact, Constitution 1972 and their fate/repurcussions….. affirmative action/ultra-nationalism gone wrong. A question to ask: did this serve the people of SL or the politicians responsible? What is happening today is a mix of similar thinking and a skewed idea of nation-building. The notion of the Dharmadweepa/Dhamma War has been advocated by the likes of the Ven. Athuraliya Ratana. The influence of the Sinhala-Buddhist right on Sri Lankan politics is no secret. A respected philosophy has been prostituted for politican gain.

The reactionary posture adopted by the Government vis-a-vis security policy is astounding. With the gaping holes that have been exposed in national defence, one would question the existence of any cohesive policies to begin with. What has happened to national intelligence? What has happened to tactical defence? What has happened to ‘hearts and minds?’ And what in heaven’s name of democracy?? As Publius very correctly mentions, what’s with the meek aquiescence to the nullification of the Seventeenth Amendment? To whip up nationalism and adopt simplistic measures in the re-assuring name of national security seems a very convinient response. Yes, the Government is doing the work of the LTTE for them.

The establishment was well warned of an impending air threat from the LTTE. What was done about this before hand, except to close the gate after the horse bolted. The point is not to take anything away from the ground troops who have performed under unthinkable circumstances but to question policy makers within the establishment. Where is the accountability but for passing the buck!

By: asha Fri, 08 Jun 2007 15:08:18 +0000 Although I believe in articles that challenge the public intellectually, I’m unsure why Publius is using such little used words. But, that being said, I applaud his efforts.

Either way, since we all are accessing this online, it’s easy to look up words on and find out the meaning of unfamiliar words in any article.

Samson, I believe that the author is stating that Buddhism has been hijacked by the nationalist cause. I don’t believe Publius is including Buddhism in here to insult it. He’s actually stating the opposite.

By: Samson Fri, 08 Jun 2007 08:15:35 +0000 “Ensconced in ethereal Nirvana, what Siddhartha Gouthama thinks of what is being done in his name by self-appointed defenders of his dharma in an incendiary pursuit of the earthly ipse dixit of the Dharmadveepa, is a no-brainer.”

So according to Publius the eviction of Tamils was done in the name of Buddhism? Could someone please explain to me how so?

By: Samson Fri, 08 Jun 2007 08:06:16 +0000 Why is Buddhism being dragged into this?

By: punitham Fri, 08 Jun 2007 05:56:43 +0000 Busloads of southerners need to be taken to the northestern regions to see for themselves what socio-economic-environmental damage has been done over the last 30 years from the time HSZ were established because negotiations were very inconvenient to the politicians and sending the armed forces in to restrain people physically seemed to be easier. That press censure on and off(more off than on) and political patronage/corruption/staying-in-power-is-the-goal have been taking Sri Lanka for 59 years down this perilous path must be clearly explained to the southerners(who have been holding all the cards all along) at least NOW.
