Comments on: Tiran Alles and the Media War Journalism for Citizens Wed, 26 Sep 2007 04:18:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sunimal Alles Wed, 26 Sep 2007 04:18:34 +0000 Dear All,

I do not know if Tiran’s actions were right or wrong. That is for the judiciary to decide. However, I have a problem. Since the disclosure of his adventures, I am being questioned by everyone (Including 3 wheeler drivers, media and potential employers), “Are You related to Tiran”. Now what can I do to COMPLETELY disassociate myself of this nightmare ?. I would like to be identified as someone who is concerned about the degradation of values, ongoing conflict, displaced , child soldiers, lack of talented leaders, egocentricities and stubbornness of leaders (From the North, East, West and South) who are unwilling to talk to each other and make Sri Lanka the best country on earth, and a honest and neutral. So I may have to put an advertisement in the newspapers to say that “This is to inform the general public that I -Sunimal Alles of Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, is no relation or is responsible for the activities of Tiran Alles”, and I think Tiran should pay for all the advertisements I make. What do you think?

By: Kapila Tissera Fri, 08 Jun 2007 03:35:45 +0000 s request and rejoined the cabinet. His arrest speaks volumes about the manner in which this administration administers justice."]]> “Tiran Alles may or may not be guilty of the crime he is accused of. He certainly would not have been arrested had Mangala Samaraweera acceded to President Rajapakse’s request and rejoined the cabinet. His arrest speaks volumes about the manner in which this administration administers justice.”

By: LankaWhistleBlower Thu, 07 Jun 2007 15:24:06 +0000 I think the arrest of Tiran Alles is totally justified, and cannot understand why he claims to be the victim here. If at all, the only victim is the Republic, where the will of the people were clearly violated by the actions of Mr. Alles.
