Comments on: From democracy to farce Journalism for Citizens Sat, 09 Jun 2007 11:40:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: cyberviews Sat, 09 Jun 2007 11:40:51 +0000 Singam, there are a few civil society organizations that are trying do this by mobilizing the clergy in the cause. I know of an organization that is drawing up a programme enlisting the help of the enlightened clergy already in their ranks to spread the message. Having met some of these clergy, some of whom come from remote parts of the country, one could hope, that their principled positions of tolerance, based on religious precept, would have some impact. But I agree it is the leading priests that have to be converted as they are the opinion shapers. However, some of these leading priests and their parties, obtain the oxygen for their existence from the symibiotic and parasitic links established with the major parties. These major parites in turn are sustasined by their voter base among the masses. It is here that the village priest, by simply preaching the essence of the buddhist doctrine could spread a message of tolerance. A bottom up approach to belling the cat!!!

By: Singam Sat, 09 Jun 2007 08:08:09 +0000 Sanjana, I gain from your articles and the responses. They give a perspective with more dimensions than just your article. Having interacted with Sinhalese of various age groups over the years, especially during the last 10 years, a large majority of them has no idea of our problem or the parametrs of a just solution. Many parrot the priests or the politicians. May be appealing directly to the people may not change their views.

Buddhist priests converted Asoka to spread the Buddhist philosophy. Arahat Mahinda converted Thevanampiya Tissa to convert the people in Sri Lanka to follow Buddhism. Early Chiristians converted Constantine to spread the faith among the people. If the leading Buddhist priests can be converted to ideas of HR, Federal or confederal solution to the problem, the Sinhala Buddhist people and their leaders will, I think, change. But who is to bell the cat?

By: ivap Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:24:36 +0000 sanjana

Another timely article on the signs of times that sri lankans currently live in. It is indeed good to see your attempts to hold the government and the democratic institutions of the land to a higher standard, a necessity in these troubled times. Something which seems to evade many of the blogpheres commentariat. Having said that, a sharper analysis and harsher words towards our shared nemesis in the north should also be written if we are to understand it’s caustic affects on the timbre of democracy.

As I have mentioned to you in the past, I still feel that the need to translate your articles into singhala and tamil are a necessity. Particularly if one is aiming to spread these memes amongst those whose reasoning and decision making occurs in the languages closer to their hearts.

I too was flabbergasted by that rather baffling interview on Al Jazira and am glad that someone has taken him to task on the shameful display.

On another note, in your articles/essays there are many references to democracy but at the end of each reading I do not get the sense that it refers to liberal democracy. Even in this article it talks of democracy and illiberal democracy but not LD. Is liberal democracy implicit in your use of the term democracy? I only ask because, as you would know, there is a significant difference between “liberal democracy” (irrespective of how implemented by each nation) and other forms of democracy (imagined or practiced).

By: SH Fri, 08 Jun 2007 03:49:47 +0000 Hidden Dragon,

Thanks for putting a word in for us expats 🙂

I must admit though as an expatriate Sri Lankan, I try to be more sensitive to the opinions and situations of those who actually live in the country and have the courage to speak out about what is happening in the country. I hope other expats will do the same. Some of us in fact have been in situations that have provided us with no choice but to leave, making us even more aware of the problems that are faced by those living there.

With regard to being sensitive I was concerned my previous heartfelt piece of advice might be too inflammatory. Fortunately this is moderated, so I let it through hoping it would be removed if considered to be so.

By: NdM Thu, 07 Jun 2007 14:25:54 +0000 I am glad for Sanjana’s articles and for the appreciative comments here by readers. But I recoil a little when I read the paternalistic advice to him about how to do even better and reach larger audiences etc. I don’t read Sanjana as claiming to be a one man cure for all the ills of Sri Lanka. But his writing invites us to reconsider our own complaisance and become a part of the solution. To try and teach Sanjana how to communicate better seems rather an odd response to that invitation.

By: Hidden Dragon Thu, 07 Jun 2007 11:06:45 +0000 I’m glad you have the courage to stay in Sri Lanka and take a forthright stand on the great tragedy that is unfolding here day by day. Just one tiny bit of advice from a well-wisher: please don’t take any swipes at expatriate Sri Lankans. Because, at the very least, they form part of your readership. They have a right as much as anyone to voice their views, even if they are in the relative security of Melbourne or Maryland. Many of them have been driven to those places simply to have a better life for themselves. There’s no harm in that, surely? BTW, lest I feel the sharp jab of your pen, I’m firmly rooted in paradise!

By: SH Thu, 07 Jun 2007 08:52:33 +0000 Suntzu, I suggest you contact Mahinda and his cronies and give them the same forewarning. Actually, in their case, I sense the chances are greater. The enemies they have been collecting so far, probably outnumber the hairs on their head. Not a laughing matter at all.

By: Aliya Thu, 07 Jun 2007 06:23:27 +0000 s only a marginal fraction, not even a 1%.. It’s the same for ‘silent majority’. It’s not the fault of the president if he sees it as negligible. And, what the president is talking about is an adoption of Democracy suiting to the context of Sri Lanka. I agree that all Tamils are not LTTE and there're Sinhalese LTTE. But given the circumstances, it's not fair by the governmnet if we write down the equation, “Government of Sri Lanka = LTTE”. We want them to handle the LTTE matter somehow- politically or militarily, don't we? With or with out the non- declared war, LTTE will have occasional strikes on key financial, public and military targets to maintain a fear psychosis. They have done that ever since they declared war against the GoSL. It's tragic for me. I don't know why some people always try to make farce out of everything. Must be due to their love for fun....................]]> Hats off again for your outspokenness!
Surely you got a lot of support and new suggestions to carry out.
However, I think the type of support you got does not embody the whole community. It’s only a marginal fraction, not even a 1%.. It’s the same for ‘silent majority’. It’s not the fault of the president if he sees it as negligible.
And, what the president is talking about is an adoption of Democracy suiting to the context of Sri Lanka. I agree that all Tamils are not LTTE and there’re Sinhalese LTTE. But given the circumstances, it’s not fair by the governmnet if we write down the equation, “Government of Sri Lanka = LTTE”.
We want them to handle the LTTE matter somehow- politically or militarily, don’t we?
With or with out the non- declared war, LTTE will have occasional strikes on key financial, public and military targets to maintain a fear psychosis. They have done that ever since they declared war against the GoSL.
It’s tragic for me. I don’t know why some people always try to make farce out of everything. Must be due to their love for fun………………..

By: punitham Thu, 07 Jun 2007 06:03:16 +0000 sanjana
i’m repeating what david has said – translate this into tamil and sinhala and give it to vernacular press – citizen journalism?

By: suntzu Thu, 07 Jun 2007 04:06:57 +0000 Sanjana…even if you translate this into sinhala and tamil like David wants you to, I doubt that you will achieve anything…best of luck anyway…and may the “Chinthanaya” be with you!

ps: hope your outspokenness wont get you abducted or bumped off (or both)… by people who want to bring disrepute to Mahinda and his government! Ha! ha! haaa!
