Comments on: Lisa Kois’s film The Art of Forgetting – A Review Journalism for Citizens Mon, 01 Sep 2008 09:45:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chaminda Mon, 01 Sep 2008 09:45:44 +0000 Yes, the Sri Lankan conflict is a playground for so many Westerners. Unlike the myriad of conflicts in Africa or elsewhere, Sri Lanka offers a nice and comfortable place to play. Nice people, access to amenities, cheap rent, nice beaches, why bother anywhere else. Why not stay in Sri Lanka, scam money from the UN and elsewhere and sermonize how we should run our affairs and live our lives. As much as Lisa complains can or will she travel to places like Darfur to intellectualize terrorism? To tell them how idiotic and shortsighted they are? If she did would she ever return? Or would she rather play in our country and tell us what to do?

By: groundviews Wed, 21 Nov 2007 06:59:14 +0000 For Lisa’s own take on this film, with previews of it, please go to
