2. the author himself is a direct beneficiary of the war. he is a self-confessed peace-monger and in his own way feeds off wars..case in point sierra leone and what he wants to do in sri lanka
]]>Also, is there any graphs or evidence that plots what the state spends on, say, health or education, over the past 15 years?
Further, is there any indication what countries are supplying Sri Lanka with arms? I understand that China may be prepared to underwrite the Government’s weapons expense account.
Lastly, I found your analysis of how much funds the LTTE has raised for the so-called ‘final war’ too simplistic. More work needs to be done in this area of how much real support the LTTE has from the diaspora – it’s a very blurry area. It would be useful to know the formula used to come up with the ‘over Rs. 100 billion’ figure.