Comments on: (non) Patriotic (non) Nationalism Journalism for Citizens Tue, 29 May 2007 04:50:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: SH Tue, 29 May 2007 04:50:52 +0000 Thanks Niran. Would be interesting to see the original article.

By: niran Mon, 28 May 2007 06:51:25 +0000 SH, I distinctly recall seeing the copied version of an article written by SWRD in a daily newspaper either in the 20’s or late 30’s where he argued that Ceylon be absorbed into India as some kind of political unit. I think the article is carried in one of the older LST reviews, which is where I saw it.


By: niran Sun, 27 May 2007 13:46:56 +0000 SH,

I vividly remember reading an article one one of the old LST reviews that had a copy of the page in a newspaper in the 1920’s or 30’s where the man himself argued that Ceylon be included as one of India’s states. This may have been early on in his career as a lawyer and may even have been a one off article. I went through these articles with a friend and it was about 3 years ago, so I’ll get back to you on this one with confirmation, but I can think of no other reason why i would have formed this impression.


By: SH Sun, 27 May 2007 13:02:58 +0000 Niran
” it was the Sinhala leaders like SWRD who at one point wanted Ceylon to be federal state of India.”

I asked around about this, and I doubt if this is true. Someone actually mentioned that SWRD was inspired by the council system in England, and when returning back wanted to introduce it to Sri Lanka. So some sort of devolution?

Then apparently a number of Sinhala nationalists accused him of selling out to India, and accused him of making Sri Lanka a state of India…or something along those lines….I am not quite sure what their logic was.

By: Anthony Jeetendra Stephens Tue, 22 May 2007 08:16:25 +0000 I think the point connecting “sustainable nationalism” and economic prosperity is well made. Singaporeans want to be known as Singaporeans simply because they are the reigning economic powerhouse in South East Asia, similarly Indians now see themselves as the leader of the Sub-continent (even thought we STILL lead them on per capita GDP..ha..).

Thus, the logical chain solving all our problems is depressingly familiar:

1. Drink magic potion
2. Solve war
3. Avoid idiot post-war government
4. Achieve economic growth
5. Assemble a cricket team of rubber wristed Tamils and strong armed Sinhalese and slam the Aussies back to English jails.

Now where did I leave that bottle of potion?

By: prathap T Sun, 20 May 2007 01:32:38 +0000 So justmal,

What’s ur point. One language-one identity? what do u mean by that?

So, if u want to make a peace full world,then u would urge everybody in the world to speak singala?

Look at India. There are totally 22 recognized languages spoken by the people of different races. [check

even though, there is an unity everywhere. A Tamil, can be a president, A sardar can be a prime minister, and upon everything, a foreigner can be the leader of the opposite party.

Can’t u remember the funds collected by the total population,when the kargil war commenced?

Just get inside India, when the cricket world cup commences.U could see the best example of unity in diversity.

Could u give me an answer to the question below?

What makes Indians to feel “Indian” even though they speak different languages.


[one language-one identity] = utter scrap

Think something better.

By: niran Sat, 19 May 2007 05:10:47 +0000 India’s integration is doing fabulously well since the Indian dream started becoming a reality. The Sardhars and the Tamils still maintain their ethnic enclaves and the Tamils maintain their language but both groups have caught the patriotic bug. India shining you see…

By: SH Sat, 19 May 2007 02:56:05 +0000 Examples of other multilingual/ethnic countries that appear to be doing ok are:


which emphsises Niran’s point of for example america’s stability and prosperity being based on the American Dream and their constitutional values rather than a homogenous cultutral identity. Switzerland’s constitution has been looked at by Tamil national leaders in the past as a model.

By: niran Fri, 18 May 2007 16:33:08 +0000 Tamils in the NE are not indistinguishable from the Tamils of Tamil Nadu. The Tamils in the NE have a deep feeling of being distinct from the Indians, socially and politically. The Tamils also know that they share cultural affinities with the Malayalis more than the Indian Tamils. However the cultural interaction with Kerala is non existent. Tamils interact with Tamil Nadu Tamils for a variety of reasons, language, trade etc. Tamils in the NE have no general feeling of loyalty towards either the SL govt or India. They are an autonomous bunch who aren’t really keen about giving due deference to their Northern or Southern neighbours, very unlike the current Sinhala politicians. Little wonder that the LTTE has fought India and Sri Lanka. The Tamils Nadu politicians at one point wanted to burnish their Dravidian credentials by supporting the ‘pure’ Jaffna Tamils. This is changing now and Tamils in the NE don’t really give a toss besides the short term implications of Tamil Nadu politics on India’s foreign policy towards Colombo. In fact, it was the Sinhala leaders like SWRD who at one point wanted Ceylon to be federal state of India. Do you have an argument besides assertion that Tamils have loyalties across the Palk Straits?

Also, what gave you the impression that Tamils in the NorthEast hate you?

The all embracing Singaporean identity and the wealth of the Chinese in Malaysia have something to do with economic prosperity don’t they? Well, if you have a war seeking to enforce integration you don’t get prosperity, so those two models are out of the question. If you lived in Malaysia you’ll be able to tell the difference between the Ceylonese Tamils who went to Malaysia as civil servants and the Indian Tamils who went for cheap labour. The former are doing flourishingly well and occupy places of influence in many sectors of Malaysian public life. You may not had the opportunity to mingle with this lot but given your inability to distinguish between Ceylonese and Indian Tamils, why am I not surprised?

Also the American identity has nothing to do with the English language. It’s the prosperity and the American dream and their constitutional values. The Hispanics are growing at a rapid rate, they speak mostly Spanish and still consider themselves American. In any case, English may have helped, as it may have in SL. I noted that you used the word ‘culturally diverse’ and ‘homogeneous’
to describe Australia. Sounds like a contradiction. Doesn’t matter, spin out of it. The more important point is that immigration in Australia is a fairly recent phenomenon and we still don’t know how they will integrate. Europe’s having a hell of a problem so we’ll have to wait and see. You’re not going to get any tips as to how to beat the Tamils into submission from these examples though.

By: SH Fri, 18 May 2007 16:10:19 +0000 Just Mal,

Could you provide some links with regard to the Anglican Church call for a moratorium on Muslim migration? Am interesested in this.

Also interested to know about Singapore preventing ethnic enclaves and ghettos. Would appreciate if you could provide some references.

