Comments on: The SLFP Proposals: The Slap in the Face and the Shot in the Arm Journalism for Citizens Thu, 10 May 2007 00:30:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Aliya Thu, 10 May 2007 00:30:19 +0000 t it the crippled and politicized system which makes it impossible for them? Even those with good heads and hearts are captured by the system. Power corrupts the man/ woman! Don’t think that the leaders try to erase the Tamils. There’re Sinhalese among the abducted. This is the result of a long process. Due to ignorance, most of the people tend to see Tamils as the enemy. The resistant movement to the human rights violation is not strong enough. As Martin L. King once said we are repenting in this generation for the appalling silence of the good people..]]> You think that Sri Lankans are incapable of selecting a fair leader with a good head and a good heart?
Isn’t it the crippled and politicized system which makes it impossible for them? Even those with good heads and hearts are captured by the system. Power corrupts the man/ woman!
Don’t think that the leaders try to erase the Tamils. There’re Sinhalese among the abducted. This is the result of a long process. Due to ignorance, most of the people tend to see Tamils as the enemy. The resistant movement to the human rights violation is not strong enough. As Martin L. King once said we are repenting in this generation for the appalling silence of the good people..

By: JustMal Wed, 09 May 2007 16:30:15 +0000 Sri Lanka is a representative democracy, and by definition, SLFP has to represent the people that have voted it in, ie: by and large conservative Sinhalese, most of whom still do believe in militarily overcoming the LTTE, and would not stand for ethnic-based devolution and a unified Northeastern state that, among other things, would sacrifice the Eastern Sinhalese at the Tamil hegemonial altar.

After deriding this government as an unholy alliance of chauvinists and war mongers, it is amusingly absurd to see the peaceniks and Tamil nationalists gasping for air with seemingly genuine incredulence and disappointment at what, in reality, is yet another manifestation of the policy and ideology that President Rajapakse and allies have unwaveringly and unambiguously stood for since the birth of his regime. In simpler words, were the poor dears expecting the Sinhala nationalists to suddenly start cheering for the Tamil nationalists at the opposing end of the spectrum?

What I find interesting is the persevering self delusion of the peaceniks that the paper gains made in their little tea parties with Kumaratunge and Wickremesinghe are in fact tangible “political and constitutional reforms” in their favour. The tide has turned back from where it was in 1994 and 2001, and it will continue on its path behind their turned backs. Perhaps it’s time to pinch themselves once more to see who is really out of touch.

By: suntzu Wed, 09 May 2007 03:45:17 +0000 Punitham…Sri Lanka is still a paradise…but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to have a majority who can choose leaders with a good heart or a head. As long as the tamil diaspora and the international community remains, its not going to be easy to erase the tamils from Sri Lanka like they did the JVP in the 70s and late 80s. One day truth will triumph like it did in South Africa, East Timor, Bosnia, Macedonia, Eritria, The Cheque Republic, The Slovakian Republic to name just a few countries. Till then…all tamils, christians and muslims will have to watch and wait and hope for the best.

ps: The Devil once said, “If I owned Sri Lanka and Hell…I would rent Sri Lanka and live in Hell!”

By: punitham Tue, 08 May 2007 16:13:13 +0000 Very many thanks, Saravanamuttu.
When a Sinhalese leader with a good heart and a good head wins the election, Sri Lanka will become a paradise. By then all the Tamils may have been erased off Sri Lanka.
