Comments on: An infamous proposal Journalism for Citizens Fri, 11 May 2007 01:27:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: SH Fri, 11 May 2007 01:27:25 +0000 I have similar concerns.

An example is the criticism of local peace and human rights activists against amnesty international’s campaign during the world cup. With due respect, no one has been able to provide any constructive information on what organisations such as amenesty should have done or should do for future campaigns. Or do people think that human rights violations stop after a cricket match stops in the same way as they are deluded into thinking ceasefires happen when cricket matches are played? Or do they think that human rights organisations like Amnesty should just leave Sri Lanka severely alone?

What has been done by local groups to inform people at a grassroots levels about the importance of human rights and human rights advocacy?

Sri Lanka is still functioning in some way as a democracy. The masses have to be involved. The JVP is doing a much better job at this.

By: Aliya Thu, 10 May 2007 01:15:02 +0000 t care? Or is it because they don’t understand? This is no doubt another failure, another missed opportunity. And it’s pathetic that nobody has still paid an adequate attention to see why a failure of one political party or several politicians have to be an equivalent to the breakdown of the nation/s. What I try to say is that not an adequate work done on the part of this intelligentsia to educate the public about the importance of a negotiated settlement whereas the government makes use of all kinds of propaganda-API WENUWEN API and even the religion to transmit their message to the masses. If the government is not interested in coming to a negotiated settlement, if they mean to fight a genuine war and establish a setup for good nations-building and if they try to continue with their task with out any disturbances, there’s nothing wrong about it. They are fully committed. What I can’t see and what nobody sees is such a commitment on side of these academics and peace professionals who make sure they criticize and make a show. If there’s such an progressive discourse on the roots of the conflict, need for a political solution all over the country – among the students, workers without being limited to the INTELLECTUALS, the magnitude of the harm done by these repeated mistakes won’t be this big. And nobody will have to bother checking whether it’s a tragedy, a farce, whether it gave birth to a mouse, mice and a caterpillar or to a rattle snake. It’s a pity that such dialogues on power sharing and federal states continue only in newspapers, in cyber newspapers and in chat sites without reaching the common public. It’s a pity that most of these writers are caught up in the tide of self-profit and turn out to be rent seekers. They haven’t even explored the possibility where they have a 100% advantage- in universities. Their actual interests lay elsewhere. [What happened to the once active anti- war aficionados? Have run out of funds?] Looks like we’ll continue this way for a long time with the deceitful politicians, with the profit seeking Peace professionals and with the public in the dark. Its time to act, to inform and to be informed!]]> This is another bitter analysis of the SLFP proposals with a perspective of the intelligentsia of the country. It also reflects on the practical situation of the discourse for a negotiated political settlement.[ I don’t mean that such talks are doomed to fail]
A week gone after presenting the proposals of the SLFP but still can not see a stir among the ordinary citizens, even among those who are heavily affected by the war.
Is it because they don’t care? Or is it because they don’t understand?
This is no doubt another failure, another missed opportunity. And it’s pathetic that nobody has still paid an adequate attention to see why a failure of one political party or several politicians have to be an equivalent to the breakdown of the nation/s.
What I try to say is that not an adequate work done on the part of this intelligentsia to educate the public about the importance of a negotiated settlement whereas the government makes use of all kinds of propaganda-API WENUWEN API and even the religion to transmit their message to the masses. If the government is not interested in coming to a negotiated settlement, if they mean to fight a genuine war and establish a setup for good nations-building and if they try to continue with their task with out any disturbances, there’s nothing wrong about it. They are fully committed.
What I can’t see and what nobody sees is such a commitment on side of these academics and peace professionals who make sure they criticize and make a show. If there’s such an progressive discourse on the roots of the conflict, need for a political solution all over the country – among the students, workers without being limited to the INTELLECTUALS, the magnitude of the harm done by these repeated mistakes won’t be this big. And nobody will have to bother checking whether it’s a tragedy, a farce, whether it gave birth to a mouse, mice and a caterpillar or to a rattle snake.
It’s a pity that such dialogues on power sharing and federal states continue only in newspapers, in cyber newspapers and in chat sites without reaching the common public. It’s a pity that most of these writers are caught up in the tide of self-profit and turn out to be rent seekers. They haven’t even explored the possibility where they have a 100% advantage- in universities. Their actual interests lay elsewhere. [What happened to the once active anti- war aficionados? Have run out of funds?]

Looks like we’ll continue this way for a long time with the deceitful politicians, with the profit seeking Peace professionals and with the public in the dark.
Its time to act, to inform and to be informed!
