Comments on: Causing a storm in a tea plantation Journalism for Citizens Fri, 27 Apr 2007 07:23:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nia Fri, 27 Apr 2007 07:23:55 +0000 Parakrama,

I admit that I don’t possess a huge amount of knowledge about micro and macro nutrients but I don’t agree that it’s necessarily the best option to replace people with machines and chemicals in order to boost productivity.This would mean thousands of plantation workers would be unemployed with very bleak prospects, having very little experience in any other trade, which would in turn cause yet more social problems. Alternatively, conditions could be improved and other markets could be targeted such as the West, where consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about where goods come from and working conditions and salaries of labourers in developing countries. UK based company Fairtrade has seen its sales double in the last 3 years and its tea and coffee is now being sold by major companies such as Starbucks. Also, how can you be so sure that profits generated by using alternative agricultural methods would end up in the pockets of the workers?

As for ‘hands on’ experience with the plantation sector, I accept that I am no expert but I do have experience in the arts and using them to raise awareness about social problems, which is ultimately what the article deals with. I am therefore unsure as to how making people aware of their citizenship rights and helping them to overcome social problems such as alcoholism, through the medium of drama, would incite violence or how this would further any cause other than human rights.

By: SH Fri, 27 Apr 2007 04:48:05 +0000 I wonder if the dog curled up behind the spectators (bottom left hand corner of the the picture) could be taking in a subliminal message by the LTTE? They say its a dogs life..this dog seems to be having a good time. Sorry…just noticed it and had to comment. Nice picture.

By: Parakrama Fri, 27 Apr 2007 02:07:53 +0000 It is true that the plantation workers face many hardships. Having said so the solution lies in increasing the productivity of the plantations so that profits could be generated for the worker. This should be done by using soil conservation, providing micro and macro nutrients to the soil and also adopting labour saving harvesting techniques. This is the only permanent and lasting solution.

Your article deals with temporary measures which can be only applied to a handful of plantations. It goes to show how little hands on experience the writer has with the plantation sector. I just wonder if the writer is trying to further the cause of the LTTE terrorist by inciting violence in the plantations?
