Comments on: The Offensive Defence Secretary Must GO! Journalism for Citizens Mon, 14 May 2007 05:08:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: SH Mon, 14 May 2007 05:08:59 +0000 Kaputa:
There is an old saying, “he who lives by the sword dies by the sword”. Not sure if he will be able to survive, through the whole course, by waging a war, creating more enemies. To survive, he will have to change direction at some point or bring himself and/or the whole country down. Lessons from history.

By: Kaputa Mon, 14 May 2007 03:30:48 +0000 He hasn’t gone. I don’t think he ever will. What does the good author have to say about that? Better watch his back too – MR and GR like war, not peace.

By: kushanx Fri, 27 Apr 2007 08:51:28 +0000 Today, lot of people on media and media organizations talk about “FREEDOM of Speech”, “Human Rights”, ….. I don’t whether I have freedom of posting on this website, but since i have being receiving mails from CPA, I think my rights won’t violate by the web administrator.

Ok, I very simple point, I have lived in Eastern province since 1982. The experience, I have living-in this area is not mostly terror, my generation and my previous generation had a very sound inter-relationship with all communities. We didn’t bother about the language that we speak. For most of my life, I had Tamil speaking friends, they had different religions of cause, non that matter.

And, then this LTTE gang came, then so-called-political-parties gang came, these are the people who ruined everything.

The war between politically motivated SL military and LTTE, has devastated this country for ages. I know, there are blood thirsty men, but the point is they are everywhere, in all communities.

Since, I became a lecturer in 1999 in Multimedia/New Media, I had student came from almost all the communities. Why, all these politicians can’t understand the truth??? Why can’t LTTE understand the simple truth???

I know one thing for sure, all greedy minds need power-money-fame.


By: AF Thu, 26 Apr 2007 04:13:56 +0000 Whether Gotabhaya was abusive and threatening or not, what right does he have in a so-called Democratic country, with ‘freedom’ of press to call the Editor or any journalist in that matter, to speak unless in the form of providing information or answering questions.
I have a friend from international press who receives calls from people in ‘high’ places, asking her to write more positive articles on SL.
What is there positive to write.
When you pick up a Sri Lankan newspaper even prior to the tyranny of the Rajapakses, it was difficult to find a definite point of view, evidently biased or even stating facts. Our papers are full of often rubbish with journalists being safe.
Without a strong judicial system backing the SL people, we are generally scared to speak out, get on the streets and protest……so please, at least the journalists, please speak out the truth……

By: Jack Point Thu, 26 Apr 2007 02:43:13 +0000 The problem is that most of the public don’t seem to comprehend the extent to which the government is trampling on individual rights in the name of counter-terrorism.

A friend witnessed a motorist being beaten up by the army at a checkpoint in Kotte. When the tale was related to friends the responses ranged from “he must have done something to provoke them” to “this shows that we have good security”.

Not a healthy sign and something that shows how well the government propoganda machine is working.

Spoke to the editor of another English newspaper yesterday and he told me, off the record, that he now being more circumspect in his criticism of the government following the Daily Mirror incident. He has is family to think of.
