Comments on: Whose rules? Amnesty Campaign Journalism for Citizens Fri, 27 Apr 2007 04:59:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: pass the roti on the left hand side » Stop the Bombs, Thambi’s Bowling (The View From Victory Blvd) Fri, 27 Apr 2007 04:59:10 +0000 s actions at the Cricket World Cup, for the best of intent, may well result in the worst of outcomes for human rights activists in Sri Lanka. By raising the wrath of the government and fuelling the already powerful rhetoric of extreme nationalist forces in the country who are deeply and violently opposed to civil society advocacy and support of human rights, we regretfully note that Amnesty International’s ill-thought of campaign may end up severely discrediting the human rights movement in Sri Lanka. [FMM] [...]]]> […] Although AI did note that its campaign was not targeting the Sri Lankan cricket team or cricket fans, all it served to do was generate a hostile backlash in the Lankan media. A few independent commentators have given interesting responses to the controversy and its fallout (see the posts and comments at Ground Views here, here and here): Amnesty International’s actions at the Cricket World Cup, for the best of intent, may well result in the worst of outcomes for human rights activists in Sri Lanka. By raising the wrath of the government and fuelling the already powerful rhetoric of extreme nationalist forces in the country who are deeply and violently opposed to civil society advocacy and support of human rights, we regretfully note that Amnesty International’s ill-thought of campaign may end up severely discrediting the human rights movement in Sri Lanka. [FMM] […]

By: Jack Point Wed, 18 Apr 2007 06:25:14 +0000 A fairly good analysis of the situation I would say.

On the whole, I welcome the campaign. The government needs to be prodded into action, the general level of apathy displayed by the government in the midst of these ‘disappearances’ is unacceptable.

Veiled threats issued by members of the ruling party against the press don’t auger well either.
