Comments on: Flying Tigers… Journalism for Citizens Thu, 29 Mar 2007 08:53:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: wicks Thu, 29 Mar 2007 08:53:58 +0000 There is little wonder the LTTE has been successful in many fronts. Psy ope, propaganda and guerilla tactics which the government side has still to match. Actually the govt should be the front runner.
By their (LTTE) psy ops, they have managed to make a menagerie of Sri Lankan politics as politicians are more interested in putting their fellows behind bars rather than tell the world about the atrocities of the LTTE. Every successful got has followed the same trend. Now it is a divided south too in the bag!

Everything about the govt is tit for tat – for their fellow politicians and for the LTTE and when the match is over they have finished their steam. N wonder then There isn’t an atom of intelligence remaining within the govt. The Indian did not have to tell about the 9 years in the making. Even we civilianns knew of it! At least the LTTE is trying to achieve something by hook or by crook, What have our pundits got till now?

By: JL Wed, 28 Mar 2007 19:30:33 +0000 Just in case anyone hasn’t noticed; the illustration from the Daily Mirror is clearly labelled as a Pilatus PC-7. More information can be found at the following link:

The picture from the Sydney Morning Herald shows a side-by-side two seater, and not a tandem two seater like the PC-7.

I think it’s needless to say that both of the planes could easily have been shot down using technology from 60 years ago. But with a little bit of skillful flying, some luck and a target that isn’t expecting you I suppose anything is possible.

By: sam Wed, 28 Mar 2007 07:52:31 +0000 JustMal wrote: “To imagine that everyone in the world is so concerned about what sort of a magical plane this is and would have expert panels to discuss it, is just wishful thinking.”

Um – obviously you didn’t pick up on the fact that I was making a joke about the panels on CNN / Fox / BBC …

McDonalds is also very popular. And wasn’t Hitler also relatively popular during his time?

Thanks GroundViews for the scan of the newspaper…

By: SH Wed, 28 Mar 2007 04:47:17 +0000 Just Mal says:
The Age is known for its heavy left wing bias. Herald Sun is the most popular paper in Melbourne.
The Herald Sun is a tabloid-style newspaper (Murdoch owned) and more popular. JustMal is right in the sense that relative to this paper the Age could be considered as “left-wing”.

After reading JustMal’s comment I checked the Herald Sun online news section and found this:
Tigers bomb military base in first air assault
By Amal Jayasinghe in Colombo, Sri Lanka
March 27, 2007 04:00am
* Sri Lanka’s main military base bombed
* At least three people killed
* Probes launched into security breaches,21985,21453860-663,00.html
the source is: Agence France-Presse. They may not have their own international correspondents.

By: JustMal Tue, 27 Mar 2007 15:00:09 +0000 The Age is known for its heavy left wing bias. Herald Sun is the most popular paper in Melbourne.

To imagine that everyone in the world is so concerned about what sort of a magical plane this is and would have expert panels to discuss it, is just wishful thinking. It’s probably just an old Cessna with a crude gravity bomb housing. There is no conclusive proof that this was the actual plane used, and some people think the bombs were dropped by motorised gliders. Granted, this is an explosive sensational story, but there’s no real long term impact. They’ve exposed their hand, lost the element of surprise for good, but have failed to carry out their primary mission, which was to neutralise SLAF’s aerial power. I wouldn’t say it’s a cowardly act, but the LTTE must be quite desperate if they had to pull out their trump card at this stage.

It’s the SLA that’s making real gains in the battlefield. That’s what counts. Remember how the LTTE managed to kill hundreds of soldiers just a few months ago. Does anyone even remember where it happened? This would be forgotten in a few weeks’ time. The diaspora may finally have a reason to gloat after months of gloom and doom, but they are set for a massive and heartbreaking let down.

By: SH Tue, 27 Mar 2007 12:04:26 +0000 People might also be interested that the Melbourne Age had the following Sri Lankan news under a daily section called the “oddspot”:

Friday March 23, 2007
A Sri Lankan Buddhist monk who applied for a job as a gun-carrying assistant superintendent of police in Colombo has been turned down – because he wouldn’t give up his saffron robes.

If you are not familiar with the Ages oddspot….click the link above and have a look at some of the other news items placed in this section.

Eg. Monday March 19, 2007
Portugal’s Renova, one of Europe’s biggest producers of household paper products, has put a diamond-encrusted toilet-paper holder on sale for €100,000 ($A168,000). The bog bling is to mark the worldwide sale of 1million rolls of the company’s novelty black toilet paper.

By: SH Tue, 27 Mar 2007 10:13:05 +0000 Also in the capital city, next to an international airport. It is quite obviously international news. So the Melbourne Age has to report it…as does the BBC or any other media organisation.

By: SH Tue, 27 Mar 2007 10:10:05 +0000 !! ----------------------- As someone who gets the Age delivered everyday, the answer is yes. Especially since it is on an established army base. It is news.]]> Hmmm….. I wonder whether the (Melbourne) Age would have accorded such publicity had Al-Qaeda or the IRA achieved a similar kind of ‘air-power’ !!
As someone who gets the Age delivered everyday, the answer is yes. Especially since it is on an established army base. It is news.

By: kayhaytha Tue, 27 Mar 2007 09:13:03 +0000 Hmmm….. I wonder whether the (Melbourne) Age would have accorded such publicity had Al-Qaeda or the IRA achieved a similar kind of ‘air-power’ !!

By: groundviews Tue, 27 Mar 2007 08:25:59 +0000 Sam, there’s a Daily Mirror graphic today on its frontpage that tries to reveal what these planes are. But no one really knows.

Daily Mirror illustration on LTTE planes

I’ve uploaded a higher resolution photo of the illustration here.
