Comments on: The Rise of “Peace” Professionals in Sri Lanka: Rent-Seeking in the Peace Sector Journalism for Citizens Mon, 02 Apr 2007 14:34:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: groundviews » Peace professionals and War professionals Mon, 02 Apr 2007 14:34:07 +0000 […] There has been a spate of writings on the political economy of war, particularly relating to the war on terror that President Bush has imposed on the world as the primary concern of humankind in our time. Sumanasiri Liyanage, Peradeniya academic and commentator, has recently written about the political economy of peace in the Sri Lankan context. In particular, he has drawn attention to what he calls the emergence of “peace professionals” and their allegedly “rent-seeking operations” in the peace process. […]

By: Gaganath A. Sun, 25 Mar 2007 02:27:12 +0000 “Thirdly, the entrance of new professionals and their dominance in peace work has had corruptive impact on the committed people who have been working for long time as they also sought similar benefits. (I stress this third point also as a self-criticism because not only it affected me personally but also many people who have been active in the peace movement since the start of the violent ethno-political conflict.)”

How would Prof. Liyanage see SAPI in this light and how it came about, its staff, its funding and its work?

By: groundviews Sun, 18 Mar 2007 02:04:07 +0000 Lakshan Dias from Social Justice Activists, inspired by Prof. Liyanage, writes an article along the same lines here –

By: Global Voices Online » Blog Archive » Sri Lanka: Rise of peace professionals Thu, 15 Mar 2007 19:14:53 +0000 […] groundviews on the rise of peace professionals in Sri Lanka. “At the initial phase that began in the late 1970s and ended in the late 1980s or the early 1990s, many peace activities were supported by the trade unions and the church (through the church some foreign assistance was given). “ Neha Viswanathan […]
