Comments on: The politics of hate and harm Journalism for Citizens Wed, 11 Feb 2009 03:20:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: walterfdo Wed, 11 Feb 2009 03:20:34 +0000 The Sri Lankan crisis was created was created by the Sinhala Buddhist extremists and Sinhala political opportunists enhanced by the Tamil opportunistic traitors who sold the

By: Sara Thu, 13 Nov 2008 01:13:34 +0000 The need of the hour for Sri Lanka is to create awareness on a pluralist mindset among the sinhala, tamil, mozlem, citizens. Educate the massess via TV/Print media. Hamoney must be the theme. Sri Lankan can be much better in term of humanity interaction. Petty mindset, foolish ethnic hating, bullying tactics, jealousy will cause their own destructions. The rights, freedom,of each and every citizen of the country must be vouchsafed by all right thinking intelligentia in any given opportunity. By creating such awareness the society will reform and recognise uphold the value of pluralism. Frog in the well attitude political parties such as JVP JHU who whip up hate mongering of non sinhala must be bulldozed as such dirty ideology cannot be accommodated in a pluralistic society. Sri Lanka has to interact with other countries for its many needs therefore cannot afford to lose the goodwill of those neighbouring countries in particular. Therefore every right thinking people should contribute to uphold the concept of pluralism at any cost. Our country is bleeding due to narrow minded jealousy infested mindset of the majority community sadly

By: Peter fernando Sun, 11 Mar 2007 11:28:14 +0000 Something radical has to be done to solve the problem.To be against one community or another is a natural reaction.I live in England.If there was apathy amongst the british there would have been ,I am sure,animosity, which would have manifested itself as violence between English and Scottish or English and Welsh.In Britain ,there are so many other ethnic groupd that the animosity,between the English and other local groups never more than an odd passing comment.
What Sri Lanka in common with all “third world” countries needs is a broader outlook.
In fact all “first world” countries have large ethnic minorities .Eg.USA-Hispanics,Chinese,Indians,West Indians etc.Germany-Turks,Polish etc.The only country which is “first world” that I know that has few ethnic groups is Japan.But Japan is exceptional in other respects as well.Plus,as a Sri Lankan I can go to Japan.But ,a Japanese cannot come and work in Sri Lanka !!!!!
So,I plead with the public of Sri Lanka to rethink this problem completely.Open the gates of Sri Lanka to everybody except convicted criminals and see what happens.The result might be a surprise.

By: Peter fernando Sun, 11 Mar 2007 11:16:59 +0000 Something radical has to be done to solve the problem.To be against one community or another is a natural reaction.I live in England.If there was apathy amongst the british there would ,I am sure,animosity which would have manifested itself as violence between English and Scottish or English and Welsh.In Britain ,there are so many other ethnic groupd that the animosity,between the English and other local groups never more than an odd passing comment.
What Sri Lanka in common with all “third world” countries need is a broader outlook.
In fact all “first world” countries have large ethnic minorities .Eg.USA-Hispanics,Chinese,Indians,West Indians etc.Germany-Turks,Polish etc.The only country which is “first world” that I know that has few ethnic groups is Japan.But Japan is exceptional in other respects as well.Plus,as a Sri Lankan I can go to Japan.But ,a Japanese cannot come and work in Sri Lanka !!!!!
So,I plead with the public of Sri Lanka to rethink this problem completely.Open the gates of Sri Lanka to everybody except convicted criminals and see what happens.The result might be a surprise.

By: groundviews » Investigate us, or stop the harassment and false allegations! Wed, 07 Mar 2007 15:10:25 +0000 […] Also read: The politics of hate and harm The advent of terror politics […]

By: Global Voices Online » Blog Archive » Sri Lanka: Hate and Harm Thu, 01 Mar 2007 19:49:24 +0000 to be identified and destroyed. This columnist was asked to comment on the poster by a newspaper and he along with other colleagues condemned the message conveyed by it.” Neha Viswanathan [...]]]> […] groundviews on the politics of hate and harm. “Most readers in Colombo would have seen the posters of the National Movement Against Terrorism (NMAT) calling for the peace, media and leftist ‘Tigers’ to be identified and destroyed. This columnist was asked to comment on the poster by a newspaper and he along with other colleagues condemned the message conveyed by it.” Neha Viswanathan […]

By: naz Thu, 01 Mar 2007 07:35:30 +0000 Just seen java jones response which is quite similar to mine, here goes anyway:

As someone who cannot read sinhala and tamil (pathetic, I know, but there you are, I am just a product of my time) and has consciously chosen not to read any newspapers (not forever, just for the moment) most of the information I garner comes from the web:- I cannot tell you how deeply disturbed I am re. what you have described above.

The question is

1. what in god’s name is civil society going to do about it?
2. when and how are we going to organise ourselves so as to effect some real change in these increasingly oppressive times? And how successful do you think we will be? In spite of the risk of the ‘white van’?

In the meantime life goes on, there have been so many extraordinary cultural events happening in this wonderful town that we call Colombo.

By: Java Jones Thu, 01 Mar 2007 07:16:37 +0000 Well stated, buddy! It seems to me that the problem we have is APATHY. The few times folk responded en-mass, like in protest at the murder of Raviraj and earlier when they ‘held hands for peace’, have been few and far between. It does seem most likely that the hate-mongers and ‘un-democratic’ forces are in the minority, but one would never imagine that this is the case when one sees their well organized PR system at work. I guess it would take a good bit of ‘organization’ to wake up the slumbering giant that is ‘the rest of us’ that love our freedom of expression and choice. The problem is to get that ball rolling!

By: groundviews Thu, 01 Mar 2007 03:04:18 +0000 Also see “The Advent of Terror Politics” –
