Comments on: Circles of Violence: A Return to Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Sat, 26 May 2007 03:09:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: groundviews » Diaspora dilemmas: Australia and the Sri Lanka conflict Sat, 26 May 2007 03:09:27 +0000 […] Read the article in full here. Sam’s contributions to Groundviews can be found here and a review of his film on Sri Lanka, Circles of Violence, here. […]

By: groundviews » “We need a revolution in Sri Lanka!” - A brief chat with Sam de Silva Mon, 05 Mar 2007 13:32:41 +0000 […] I caught up with Sam de Silva of Circles of Violence fame, before he headed back to Australia tonight. Sam’s film, shown to a few of us in Colombo last week, has already generated some interesting responses and is the most recent attempt to explore through film Sri Lanka’s tryst with peace in the midst of rising violence. […]

By: groundviews Fri, 02 Mar 2007 10:05:14 +0000 Hi Naz,

I agree with you now that you’ve more clearly expressed what you meant by “free”. The fact that Barefoot excludes – by its pricing, location and ambiance – is I believe *precisely* why some of us choose to spend time there, away from the madness outside.

It would be interesting to see what you will face in the future as the result of the increasing justification of curtailing media freedom and civil rights through the Prohibition of Terrorism and Specified Terrorist Activities Regulations (PPTSTAR) and PTA.


By: InfoShare Research Unit » Blog Archive » Weekend Reading Fri, 02 Mar 2007 09:00:15 +0000 […] Podcasts and media Circles of violence, a preview of which is available here, and a review here, ratcheted up some interesting discussions in the blogosphere on the nature of films dealing with the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. […]

By: naz Fri, 02 Mar 2007 08:56:17 +0000 Have been having connection problems, would have commented sooner.
Understand what you meant, David. For me, the tragedy is that today it’s definitely more ‘defined’ than I would personally like it to be. what was interesting about the screening is that there were so many people there that I had never seen before, so yes I still think it’s the people who patronise the space or a particular event that define it. We just provide the ambiance/place for them to get on with it.

Sanjana, never really thought we were egalitarian, but certainly believe in freedom of religion, conscience, speech and political beliefs.
and your right in that It’s a more protected space, people do not get hassled here, like they do at Lipton Circus or Galle Face Green, I think for the most part, people are just left to be. If you want to sit all day and battle the wifi, argue politics, dance on a table your able to do so. That’s what I mean by ‘free.’ Oh and If any of you were around in the early 90’s we exposed a lot of art and dialogue that other places would not undertake for fear of reprisal. You should have seen the hate mail.

By: David Blacker Fri, 02 Mar 2007 03:51:00 +0000 Hey, Naz. My point wasn’t to try and define what Barefooot is, or what it stands for, any of that stuff. It frankly doesn’t concern me. To me, it’s one of the places I visit for various reasons. When I said “a Barefoot view”, I could very well have said a “Col 7 view” or a “Barrista view” or whatever. I think Barefoot symbolises a kind of lifestyle, and Sam’s film projected a POV of people from that lifestyle. That’s all.

By: Che Thu, 01 Mar 2007 23:26:08 +0000 Well, judging by the comments above, it seems not all fruitcakes are fascists…

By: groundviews Thu, 01 Mar 2007 14:40:16 +0000 Che,

I think Tulsi’s review of the film puts paid to any fascist fruitcake critics who may emerge from the wood-works after Sam’s creation goes on sale in the near future.


By: Sanjana Hattotuwa Thu, 01 Mar 2007 14:33:39 +0000 Dear Naz,

I beg to differ from your opinion. Any space is circumscribed by walls hidden and seen – physical, cultural, historical and emotional, to name but a few. The creators of spaces – public or private – invariably leave their imprimatur on their creation, either by what they bring in to it, or what they leave out. Barefoot is what you’ve helped create – it is owned by you and defined by you. It will never be entirely what “we” make of it.

All spaces exclude, by design or otherwise. The fact is that Sam’s choice to show the film at Barefoot necessarily excluded people – to believe otherwise is folly. I am not saying you should be held, in anyway, responsible for this exclusion, but to call Barefoot one of the freest spaces in Colombo I feel is taking it too far, lest we forget those who have passed through, and promoted their views at Liptop Circus and Galle Face and for no cost.

Barefoot is certainly tainted, positively and negatively, by the character of those who pass through it – but those who do are also selected by the fact that Barefoot is what it is and where it is. It isn’t a Lipton Circus, it isn’t a Galle Face, and a person who frequents either for their enjoyment, relaxation or edification aren’t necessarily those who will feel comfortable in Barefoot, and vice versa.

Barefoot will indeed continue to grow and evolve, and remains one of my favourite locations for a spot of quiet reflection on a pleasant day in Colombo – but I would not venture to label it as egalitarian and open as you think it to be.


By: naz Thu, 01 Mar 2007 14:13:56 +0000 I get defensive when people keep talking about a ‘Barefoot view’ on whatever.
Barefoot is a space that has grown and evolved into what the general public see today.
One must not forget the extraordinary cutting edge history it has and the myriad of people who have passed through its doors. (and still do) Point is, I feel we have been one of the freest spaces in Colombo’s history, and I love the fact that it is available for all people and all points of view, and will continue to do so. Barefoot is what YOU make of it- it does not impose it’s “views” on anyone or anything.
