Comments on: A circus has come to town Journalism for Citizens Fri, 02 Feb 2007 09:12:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: sittingnut Fri, 02 Feb 2007 09:12:55 +0000 some one missed the words ‘sustainable basis’. or the word ‘real’ .
yes a sort of ‘peace’ is quite possible without ‘democracy, justice, freedom, or human rights’ if a fascist government suppresses all those things everywhere in sl and agrees with ltte to share power. but in sri lanka the government is unswerbale to voters and voter have to agree. voters have repeatedly shown that they do value “democracy, justice, freedom, or human rights” over so called ‘peace'( more like tranquility to cocooned ppl in colombo while ppl are continued to be killed by fascists and terrorists ). it is here that fake realists’ argument fails. present opposition leader’s predicament is good example of what happens when ppl fail to recognize that reality in sri lanka.

i am alway mystified by the some ppl’s tendency to compare sri lanka to iraq. it shows their lack of understanding about the specific realities of the situations there and here. they seems to see everything through an american ‘liberal’ arguments and word view in american media and repeat those same arguments here regardless of their relevance. they would rather talk about supposed failures of pres. bush than deal with real failure of ranil here when discussing sl.

By: indi Fri, 02 Feb 2007 06:31:54 +0000 As a technical point, Peace and Governance actually do not require democracy, justice, freedom, or human rights – as noble as those ideals are. Police States are actually pretty good at monopolizing violence and governing, albeit in despicable fashion.

The ‘democracy as silver bullet theory’ is a nice idea, but amply disproved by Mr. Bush’s experiment in Iraq and myriad war-torn democracies the world over. It’s not reality. It’s an ideal.

By: sittingnut Fri, 02 Feb 2007 00:07:03 +0000 “Peace and governance,” to be made in a sustainable basis needs to comply with principles of democracy , justice , freedom and human rights ( and that is more than “the stuff of cricket”, test or one day or even twenty/20). real peace cannot be made by implementing political solutions that appease terrorists and fascists. nor will such appeasements be approved by public. sooner some ppl,( meaning those who advocate political solutions with so called ‘sole representative’, a phase incorporates both fascism and terrorism), recognize this reality the better
