Comments on: Friday thoughts on the JVP and the LTTE Journalism for Citizens Tue, 19 Dec 2006 12:37:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: sid Tue, 19 Dec 2006 12:37:21 +0000 There were more than a few thousand Sinhalese youth killed by the security forces. I believe human rights groups place the figure between 40,000 and 60,000.

I think the Kfiers can hit Thamilselvam if they want to… but that’s all opinion.

By: David Blacker Sun, 17 Dec 2006 04:08:24 +0000 I think you’re exaggerating when you say “a whole generation was wiped out”. A few thousand do not a generation make.

The LTTE upper leadership isn’t accessible (either to vigilante or more conventional strikes), so it’s a moot point. The JVP politburo was knocked out almost in its entirety in a few short weeks; that is very unlikely in the LTTE case. Even a few high-ups are killed, others will take over. The only way to make a real difference is to kill VP, Thamilselvam, and a few other select individuals. But that doesn’t look likely.

By: JustMal Fri, 15 Dec 2006 11:48:55 +0000 Well, without Bala’s brain, LTTE’s rudderless brawn will sooner or later will plunge itself into self destruction. Bala was the real leader of the LTTE.
